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Haiti Partnership

The WUMC has had a special connection to the country of Haiti since 2002 when Pastors Thomas and Wendy Vencuss shared their experiences of their trip to Haiti with our congregation. Our hearts became ignited with a desire to reach out to the people of Haiti, to help where we were able to and to stand together with our brothers and sisters in Christ. The following is a list of some of the ways this 'partnership' has been displayed.
Through the years many members of the WUMC have served on or lead V.I.M.(Volunteers in Mission) trips coordinated by ‘Mountains of Hope for Haiti’( see above). Our members have been on teams that have built a medical clinic in the mountainous village of Furcy (which provides health care for over 15,000), built retaining walls for the village school, have run Vacation Bible Schools for hundreds of children, taught English to adults and children, held medical ‘clinic’ days at the clinic, helped plant crops, worked in orphanages, painted the school, built a community store, taught hygiene to women………the list could go on and on!

Financial support for school scholarships, medical supplies for the clinic, the Furcy Farmer’s Association (for seed, tools and fertilizer), the school hot lunch program and many other activities have come from members of the WUMC as well as from the WUMC Mission fund.

The youth of our church raised $ 150.00 by collecting and recycling cans and bottles and the younger children of our church held an annual Used Toy Tag Sale which raised $ 180.00. The money collected was used to provide two hot meals for over 250 children attending a VBS in Furcy.

We financially support the Carnival Youth Retreat led by Jude Exantus each year. This retreat offers an alternative activity during what can be a wild ‘carnival time’ to over 350 youth in western Haiti. For $ 30.00 you can sponsor a youth to attend this 5 day event. The money provides hot meals three times a day and also, helps cover the cost of guest speakers and transportation.

We have offered support, housing, and meals to the ‘Union Brothers Singers’ when they are on a concert tour. UBS is an acappella singing group from Haiti who perform at churches, schools, etc….sharing information on Haiti and their love of God with others.
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Our church has become a gathering place for many different types of resources to be sent with teams to Haiti. Health/Hygiene kits, ‘Mommy’ packs, school supplies, clothing, shoes etc. Many of these items are Sunday school projects, secular classroom projects, Girl Scout and Boy Scout projects and Donations from our Christian Preschool and church members.

Jude Exantus works part time as our Haitian Minister providing assistance to VIM teams and activities. He will also be offering Creole classes this spring.

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Generally, we send the following VIM teams to Haiti throughout the year. We send a college team in January, a youth team in July and an all age team in the fall. This year we are hoping to send a team from our church in early November.

If you would like to be a member of an upcoming VIM team, or for more information, please contact :

Deb Draizen at 860-563-9888 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Come and join us!!!
Weekly News
Sunday Worship Hours
9:30 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship Service - Sanctuary
11:30 AM Coffee Hour - Family Life Center

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


We are located at:
150 Prospect Street
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Phone: 860.529.2025

WUMC Upcoming

Rental- Homeschool Co-op
Date 09.20.2024 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal
09.19.2024 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
FLC Rental-BB
09.19.2024 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Creative Pastimes
09.19.2024 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
FLC Rental-BB
09.18.2024 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm